Monday, June 15, 2009

Manic Monday

I wanted to post this picture of myself with my two newly engaged friends. These two little cuties are both textile artists.
Jenna  is getting married this Thanksgiving and I am a bridesmaid in her wedding! She's in the middle.
Tanis and I went to NSCAD together for just one year - she opted to leave us and finish Uni at home in Montreal at Concordia. We have all stayed in touch and are lucky to have the visits that we have.
These two lovely ladies are an inspiration to me! Just check out their blog spots! They are wonderfully talented!
I posted this picture because of a few reasons. 1. I think it's pretty cute 2. I'm with two of my favorite ladies in the universe AND 3. that rusted rooster is just great. 
I've got such a talented group of friends, I will post more on them and their work on a later date - they are all equally worthy of praise.
I received Martha Stewarts Encyclopedia of Crafts in the mail today - it was such a nice surprise after a very hectic Monday at school!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Moni! You're an inspiration to me too! It's so great that we can all learn from each other. I love reading what you're up to!